We made it to Colorado in 4 days with our 2 night stop in St Louis to visit Tricia and Tom. The weather was cooperative and the drive was easy if not boring at times. We listened to "Stones into Schools" Greg Mortenson's new book ( "Three Cups of Tea"). Greg Mortenson is an incredibly dedicated human being - read his books - he has shown what a difference one individual's effort can create. Christmas was with our daughter Mandy and her two beautiful daughters Emily and Carly. It was a delicious and wonderful treat with a "brined Turkey." The best !
The mountains of Colorado and the Canals of France are like apples and oranges. Both juicy, tasty, colorful and beautiful but so very, very different. We are so lucky , actually beyond lucky , to be able to experience both of these worlds and lifestyles. For us having this adventure in our lives is as necessary as breathing.