
Roanne, France
"Oldtimer," originally a working barge in The Netherlands transporting grain, was built in 1927 and converted to a live aboard barge in the 1990's. The barge is 16 meters and the style of barge is called a Steilsteven. We are the second owners and have owned the ship since October 2005. We are Americans from Colorado who with our Tibetan Terrier "Tulah" now live in France and "Oldtimer" is our home.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Life in the USA!

We spent a month in Charlottesville living in a Residence Inn. We were grateful for the Athletic Club in town that provide us with an outlet. We left Virginia on December 16th for Colorado. Traveling the highways of American is an amazing experience.

The Truck stops on the Interstate.

A common sign - "meatloaf all you can eat."

A sign at a gas station selling hogs in Tennessee.

Eating ice cream ("concrete") in St Louis with Tricia and Tom on a cold winter day The confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Then there was Kansas... can you say flat?