With some sadness we have reached the end of the Bourgogne Canal. We began on the canal on July 10th and are at the end on September 7th. It is probably one of the nicest canals we have crusied and was a real treat for us. Very few hotel boats, no rental boats and lots of wonderful people.
Well we finally made it to Migennes. For most bargers it is notable for the train track which is directly across the Port. Migennes is a major train "thoroughfare" and many of the trains going to or from Dijon and Paris are coming through here. At moments you can hardly hear yourself think. But then there is the quai which is nice and low so that painting our boat hull is quite simple. There are friends that happen to be here as well -Laurel and Tom, it is quite close to Chablis, Joigny, Auxerre and most of all it is where Joe Parfitt, who will - keep your fingers crossed - fix our transmission, has his boat yard.
Cruising on the canals of France is often a lovely cosmic experience - a meeting of the universe in a far away place. We just spent 2 fun filled days with Laurel and Tom going to vide greniers, enjoying Bavette lunches, dinners together and touring Chablis and Joigny. We met some time ago and have not had time together until this past weekend. We had no idea they would be here so it was an extra special experience.
Then yesterday I ran into an English/Irish woman who looked so familiar. As it turns out she and her husband had invited us aboard their ship - 4 years ago - when we were in search of a boat to buy. Amazing and this is such a bonus when you are living in a foreign country. We have been so lucky to meet so many wonderful people and have such wonderful friends. We have friends who often call us every few weeks just to be sure all is well. Cruising provides a common experience. While here in Migennes our friends Mary and Jim drove over to visit for the day with their friends Janet and David. It so happened that in Migennes that day was a vide grenier and a Boudin Fete. Boudin is blood sausage and really for the strong of heart and stomach. They had a Boudin eating contest which was really difficult to watch.
Eric's elbow has healed enough that he is off to paint today. The weather is fabulous fall weather very warm warm days and quite cool nights. The painting is coming along wonderfully from my perspective and probably it is just good from Eric's perspective. Today was quite hot and the paint was becoming sticky in a short period of time.
Another cosmic experience today. Joe's assistant Jeff arrived around 3:00pm today and by 5:30pm the gear box and reverse were fixed and put back together. In addition he will order the part that is needed to stop the small leak in the generator. We feel so lucky and amazed - what a great experience to have the work done when promised and done well. Yipee!!!!!!! Now a few days later the parts arrived for the generator and it also is fixed. We are so pleased to have these two problems fixed and be on our way to the Nivernais Canal.